Monday, May 4, 2015

Peg Pannell Smith Celebrating Ralph M. Hall’s 92nd Birthday

Peg Pannell Smith was proud to be able to attend the Rockwall Athletic & Golf Club with the “Band of Brothers” organization celebrating our former Congressman Ralph M. Hall’s 92nd birthday on Friday May 1st.  Congressman Hall’s birthday was officially on Sunday, May 3rd.
Congressman Ralph Hall was the oldest serving member of Congress at the end of his last term in office, and the oldest person to ever serve in the House of Representatives.  Congressman Hall was first elected in 1980 and he and Michigan Congressman John Dingell were the last two World War II veterans serving in Congress.

The birthday celebration was the first public outing for Congressman Hall since a tragic automobile accident last year, and all were glad to see one of the most respected members of Congress out celebrating.  Many came out to celebrate with hugs and chocolate cake!  Happy Birthday Congressman Hall!

For more information about The Peg Pannell Smith Group visit